Learn how to use filemaker pro
Learn how to use filemaker pro

Click the link down below and we'll get you hooked up with this. If you're outside the US, send us an email to support at RC consulting and we'll send you a invoice via PayPal that you could pay with a credit card that way you can handle that, if you're within the US. I can't repeat the number on TV because it's so amazingly low not that most people don't like that it's cause of friction so if you want to get a double pack of training, double pack a FileMaker double pack of starting-point enhanced $249 click the link. Of course, FileMaker charges is amazingly low price for a single copy of $540. Now of course, if you go to FileMaker's website and you want to buy a single copy from them you can always do that. It's all our training and two copies of starting-point enhanced and two full copies of FileMaker PRO Advanced for Mac and Windows for an amazingly low price of $349.

learn how to use filemaker pro learn how to use filemaker pro

I'm at our Dallas, Texas office visiting our team here and getting ready for DEVCON and it's been brought to my attention that some of you want better deals on FileMaker Pro and someone suggested to me that they really like double doubles and I said well, I guess we could do a double double but not with hamburgers what if we could get you a double training bundle right for one amazing low price like way way way low, so what we have going is a double pack I guess is that we're gonna call this call it a double pack of our complete training bundle.

Learn how to use filemaker pro